
Sunday, March 17, 2024

Adolf Hitler: Secrets of a Dictator.

One of history's greatest known figures, Adolf Hitler, was also a skilled artist. Even before entering politics, Hitler's desired career path was painting. Early rejections from the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts are said to have fueled his anger which could have affected his following career. He was refused down twice for entrance.

  • Adolf Hitler.

Although his negative public image, Hitler's artwork exposes a different side of him. His primary medium was watercolour, which he used frequently for painting images of landscapes and buildings. It's interesting to compare his passion for art with the violations he later created. His collection of work showcases a wide variety of styles, from detailed to postcard-worthy images.

It's interesting to note that while Hitler spent time in Vienna, he had to sell a few of his paintings to cover his expenses. But he never received favourable reviews for his artistic efforts, and he continued to hold anger towards the art community.

  • Schloss Neuschwanstein.

  • Pencil Drawing by Adolf Hitler

  • Die Karlskirche im winter, 1912

  • Morgen am Bergsee, 1908

  • Munich Town Hall.

  • Munich Royal Mofbrauhaus, 1914

  • The Courtyard of the Old Residency in Munich, 1914

  • Vienna State Opera, 1912

In recent years, there has been controversy about Hitler's artwork on the auction market. While some see these pieces of art as historical artefacts, others argue that the sale of these works encourages a foolish connection with the dictator. Because of the political problems surrounding their sale, there's no doubting the attraction in the artistic objectives of a man who ultimately sparked a world war. 

Hitler's short creative career remains an odd historical incident. It makes one reflect on the many facets of humans and serves as an example that even those who commit horrible acts could have complicated personalities. Hitler is a mystery figure in and of himself and but the separation between Hitler the artist and Hitler the dictator increases this impression and gets us to consider the depths of human nature and the paths that individuals choose. 

"The Art Of Leadership...Consists in Consolidating The Attention Of The People Against A Single Adversary And Taking Care That Nothing Will Split Up That Attention." -Adolf Hitler. 

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